Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Breast Cancer A Malignant Tumour Essay - 1854 Words

BREAST CANCER The health issue I am investigating is breast cancer in New Zealand. Breast cancer is a malignant tumour, a group of cancer cells that can grow into surrounding tissues or spread to distant areas of the body, that starts in the cells of the breast. If a breast lump is found, or any other symptoms (change in size/shape, dimpling of the skin, discharge etc.) , one would be referred to a breast specialist. From this point there are three stages in accurate diagnosis of breast cancer. The first is a clinical examination with a specialist. They will examine both breasts, checking the size, position and other characteristics (hard/soft, regular/irregular) as well as discussing how long the lump has been there for and whether it is painful. The doctor will also discuss about previous breast lumps and family history. The next stage is a mammogram and/or ultrasound scan. A mammogram is a safe low dose x-ray of the breast tissue that indicates any suspicious areas (This method can detect ca ncer far before a lump can be seen or felt). An ultrasound scan (sonography) uses sound waves to form an image of the breast tissue, usually used to target a specific area of concern after a mammogram. The ultrasound can help distinguish between cysts (fluid filled sacs) and solid masses. The third stage of diagnosis is the Biopsy. In biopsies, doctors take cells/tissue samples from the suspicious lump so they can be analysed in a laboratory. There are four types of biopsies: FineShow MoreRelatedAdvanced Computational Intelligence Techniques For Hypoglycemia Monitoring System1204 Words   |  5 Pagesbiomedical applications (breast cancer detection) RESEARCH AREA OF INTEREST : HEALTH TECHNOLOGIES 1. 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These are just some questions that can go through a persons mind just thinking about cancer or seeing it in the media. The Definition of cancer is a disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body

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